Title: The Comeback of A Rare Liver Disease-Indian Childhood Cirrhosis: A Case Report
Authors: Dr R. Sindhu, Dr Fairy Susan Varghese, Dr Sunil Kumar Agarwalla, Dr S.K. Behera
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v3i12.40
Indian Childhood Cirrhosis (ICC) is a chronic childhood liver disease due to the deposition of copper in the liver. It primarily affects children of one to three year age group. Predisposing factors include genetic factors, infections and copper intoxication due to cooking food in copper containing utensils. The disease which had a high case fatality in the past became preventable, treatable and rare over the years. Recently a significant decline in the incidence of ICC has been observed in all parts of India due to reduction in the use of copper and brass utensils for boiling milk. Here we report a case of ICC which carries ample importance since it marks the comeback of an entity which was once considered to have been wiped out from the country. Keywords: Indian childhood cirrhosis, liver disease, copper intoxication.