Title: Effect of Short Term Naturopathy Interventions on Anemia: A Single Case Report
Authors: Pradeep MK Nair, Shahana S, Salwa H
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v3i12.30
A 33 year old female diagnosed with iron deficiency Anemia in November 2014 visited National Institute of Naturopathy, OPD with complaints of lethargy, weakness, dry itchy skin and myalgia of shoulder and neck. She also expressed weakness post minor household works. Patient was not under any medications. A modified protocol of naturopathy treatments enduring for 6 days, with each session lasting for 90 minutes was devised which included hydrotherapy, mud therapy, massage and electrotherapy. Assessments were based on the changes in hemoglobin (Hb) level from the blood sample collected on first day and sixth day of the one week session. Our patient showed an escalation in the Hb level from 7 g/dl to 8.2 g/dl at the end of six days, suggesting a positive effect of naturopathy treatments in anemia. Literature also suggests that naturopathy modalities like hydrotherapy; mud therapy etc may play a role in improving the hematological status of the body. Naturopathy, a drugless system of medicine can bring clinically significant changes in Hb levels and should be considered as a potential tool for treating anemia. However large scale randomized studies has to be conducted in this area for warranting better results. Keywords: Anemia, Naturopathy, Hemoglobin.