Title: Double Trouble- Double Elevator Palsy With Pseudoptosis A Case Report

Authors: Dr Preeti Rawat, Dr Vinanti Kangale, Dr Shashank Saxena, Dr Shweta Walia, Dr (Prof) Vijay Bhaisare, Dr Manushree Gautam, Dr Neetu Kori

 DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i7.04


A monocular elevation deficiency is also known as Double elevator palsy. It suggests paralysis of both elevator muscles (the superior rectus and the inferior oblique) of same eye; resulting in clinical condition characterized by defective elevation in the entire range of upward gaze, (i.e. in primary gaze, in adduction and abduction) and a hypotropia in the primary gaze. It can be caused by paretic, restrictive or combined etiology. It may be either congenital or acquired. 50% presents with true ptosis due to associated hypotropia.

40% of the cases present with pseudoptosis. Pseudoptosis disappears when patient fixates with the paretic eye associated with hypertropia in uninvolved eye.

We present a case of 6 years old male patient having right eye congenital monocular elevation deficiency with pseudoptosis.

Keywords- Double elevator palsy, hypotropia, Pseudoptosis



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Corresponding Author

Dr Vinanti Kangale

MGM Medical College, Indore, India

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