Title: Sensory Guillain-Barre Syndrome-Unusual Case

Authors: Manju, Gopal Singh, Mani krishna, Monika Hira

 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i2.152


Sensory Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is an acute demyelinating neuropathy that presents clinically with involvement of the sensory peripheral nerve only. However, the existence of a purely sensory form of GBS remains subject to controversy, since these cases always demonstrate a degree of motor weakness or abnormalities in motor nerve conduction studies (NCS) and are difficult to distinguish from acute sensory neuronopathy. We described a cases of an acute sensory demyelinating neuropathy that met most of the proposed diagnostic criteria of a sensory variant of GBS was admitted in Dr. RPGMC TANDA. In this case sensory neuropathy was sudden at onset and peaked to maximal deficit within 3 weeks. No motor weakness was present at the time of admission to hospital. A diagnosis of Guillain-barre syndrome was considered when neurophysiological studies was completed showing evidence of demyelination on sural nerve conduction. We describe this case a sensory variant of GBS on the base of history, clinical examination, Nerve conduction study and pathological finding. Clinical improvement followed treatment within one course of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).

Keywords: Guillain–Barre Syndrome, Intravenous immunoglobulin, Nerve conduction study and demyelinating neuropathy.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Gopal Singh

Department of Anaesthesia, Himachal Pradesh, India

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