Title: Retinal Changes in Anaemia: An Observational Study

Authors: Brijesh Singh, Manish Gupta, Ejaz Ahmad, Swati Srivastava, Ravi Ranjan, T. Prabhakar

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i5.17


The present study is an observational study conducted in 256 patients diagnosed with anaemia due to various diseases. The prime aim was to study the involvement of different parts of eye in anaemia and its co-relation with severity of anaemia. Conjunctival pallor was the commonest ocular manifestation seen in 98% cases. Retinal abnormalities were the second commonest ocular manifestation observed in 42% cases followed by posterior pole pallor seen in 39% cases. Thrombocytopenia was present in 108 patients out of 256 and retinal haemorrhages were commoner in patients having platelet count less than 50x103/µL (51%) as compared to patients with platelet count above 100 x 103/µL(14%).Incidence and severity of retinal manifestations was more with more severe grades of anaemia and with decreasing platelet counts. Ocular involvement was more common in megaloblastic anaemia followed by dimorphic anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia.


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Dr Manish Gupta

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