Title: A Study on Soft Tissue Sarcomas (STS)

Authors: Dr M. Kumara Senthil, Dr G. Karthikeyan, Dr N. Mohammed Niyamathullah, Dr P.G. Ezhilan

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i3.206


Introduction: STS constitute a significant challenge to the surgeon. They are rare tumor accounting for 1% of all malignancies. There are more than 20 histologic varieties. They are Aggressive neoplasms and have the propensity for early metastatic spread.

Aim: To study Age and sex incidence, Clinical presentation, various histology, Diagnostic modalities, various treatment modalities, Post-operative complication 

Materials and method: Biopsy proven 40 cases of STS.

Results: Rare tumor in this region. Common in extremities. Peak incidence is 50years and above. 75%of patients had presented in advanced stage of disease.  Surgery is the prime modality of treatment.

Conclusion: STS remains an ideal model for investigation of strategies designed to improve long term outcome. Multiple prognostic factors are being defined and the disease process is varied enough to provide a fertile field for treatment strategies.

Keywords: Histology, Treatment modalities, Follow-up


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Corresponding Author

Dr N. Mohammed Niyamathullah

Resident, Thanjavur Medical College