Title: Study of Incidence and Prevalence of Pelvic Fractures in Central India

Authors: Dr Ashok Vidyarthi, Dr Devendra Nayak

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i3.141


This is a study of 244 cases of pelvic fracture presented in the selected centers of Jabalpur zone of Madhya Pradesh in the duration of two years from 2011 to 2013.  Demographical characteristics of pelvic fractures like Age, Sex, Locality, Occupation, Socioeconomic Status, Associated Injury and Comorbid Condition in pelvic fracture patients were studied in particular population. All cases were classified according to Young and Burgess Classification, Tile’s Classification and Letournel & Judet Classification system and studied the distribution of cases according to these classification system.

Keywords: Epidemiology, Young & Burgees Classification, Letuornel and Judet Classification, Tile’s classification.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Ashok Vidyarthi

NSCB Medical College