Title: Knowledge about swine flu (H1N1) among pregnant women attending antenatal care clinic in a tertiary care hospital in central India

Authors: Avinash V Gawande, Rajan Kumar Barnwal, Deepika Vora, Hemant Adikane

 DOI:  https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i2.189


Background: In India the first positive case of pandemic H1N1 was reported in May 2009 and by end of the year 2010, 20604 cases with 1763 deaths were reported. Since 2010 Maharashtra has been reporting cases of Swine flu year after year. According to the state health department, 2010 saw 6,118 swine flu cases and 669 fatalities. For pregnant women influenza may have severe clinical course leading to complications and a risk to pregnancy. Effective prevention depends on knowledge of the community regarding the causative agent, modes of spread and remedial measures about swine flu.

Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted among obstetrics out-patient attendees of a tertiary care hospital in central India, wherein 100 pregnant women were interviewed to assess their knowledge about swine flu.

Results: 42 % study participants correctly knew that the swine flu is caused by a virus. 44 % participants correctly knew that it is an airborne infection. Most common symptoms as told by participants were Cough 57%, Fever 42%, Shortness of breath (14 %). Other symptoms known to participants were joint pain, body ache, throat Pain.97% subjects weren’t aware of the correct method of diagnosis while knowledge about preventive measures was also deficient in majority of study subjects.

Conclusions: The knowledge regarding swine flu among study subjects was inadequate. There is need to orient the preventive programmes including information, education and counselling to educate the pregnant females about swine flu (H1N1).

Keywords: Health education, Knowledge, Human H1N1 influenza, Pregnant women, Swine flu.


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Corresponding Author

Dr Rajan Kumar Barnwal

Post-graduate Resident, Department of Community Medicine

Government Medical College, Nagpur 440003 India

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